3rd European Summit on the Future Internet. TIVIT

Hoy traemos a este espacio al 

3rd European Summit on the Future Internet

(the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust of
the University of Luxembourg) jointly organize a high-class
international event in Espoo, Finland. It will be held on 31st of May
and 1st of June 2012.

After the two very successful editions in 2009 and 2010 organized by
SnT, it is a great pleasure to jointly carry out the 3rd European Summit
on the Future Internet.  The program as it is being conceived will
represent a unique opportunity to understand the future ahead and
confront your views with those of a carefully selected panel of
extraordinary speakers. This 3rd European Summit on the Future Internet
will provide top speakers and influencers as well as interesting and
current topics according to the main theme of the whole event - towards
Future Internet international collaboration.

 The 3rd European Summit on the Future Internet focuses on some of the
most relevant topics to boost international collaboration. What is the
future of Internet and its many applications? How to combine the
interests of platform developers, apps and service providers and future
customers? Which of the applications, such as cloud computing, future
media, and e-commerce, the customers are most willing to adapt? Which
applications will generate new business opportunities? How Internet can
be utilized in solving grand challenges, like environmental change,
health care and aging, and transportation?
 Customers are expecting next generation solutions with easy, proactive
and simple interfaces.  Business is expecting more financial maneuver
for increasing R&D&I activities towards the customer needs.
Europe, the US and Asia all have their own ICT objectives. Could future
services and products be more intensively developed and tested in

International collaboration in Internet-based solutions is still at an
early stage. The high-level roundtable on EU-China Future Internet
collaboration in Day Two will be one of the highlights of the 2012

3rd European Summit on the Future Internet

 Date:   31.5. – 1.6.2012

 Venue: Dipoli, Otakaari 24, Espoo, http://dipoli.aalto.fi/kokouspalvelut/english/location.html
               The Helsinki-Vantaa airport is about 25 kilometers from Dipoli.

 Participation fee:
  480 € + VAT (the whole event)
  380 € + VAT (First day including dinner)
  180 € + VAT (Second day only)


DAY 1 THURSDAY 31.5.2012
 8.00 Registration and Coffee
 9.00 High-Level Roundtable: Thinking the Future Internet
 10.30  Coffee
 11.00 Session 1: Future Internet Innovation and Use Cases
 12.30 Networking Lunch
 14.00 Session 2: Future Internet Architectures
 15.30 Coffee
 16.00 Session 3: Future of Internet Standardization, Policy and Regulation
 17.30 Closing Words
 20.00 Gala Dinner
 Future of ICT Economy

DAY 2 FRIDAY 1.6.2012
 8.00 Registration and Coffee
 9.00 Session 4: Need for a Single Market for Digital Services Driving Future Internet
 10.30 Coffee
 11.00 High-Level Roundtable: EU-China: Next Steps in Future Internet Collaboration
 13.00  Closing Words
 Networking Lunch

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