2011 Open Classroom Conference. Never waste a crisis!

Hoy traemos a este espacio a 2011 Open Classroom Conference de The European Distance and E-Learning Network .. que nos presentan así en su web: exists to share knowledge and improve understanding amongst professionals in distance and e-learning and to promote policy and practice across the whole of Europe and beyond.

As a meeting place, with more than 200 institutional membes and over 1200 membes in the Network of Academics and Professionals (NAP), EDEN assists a wide range of institutions, networks and individuals in becoming involved in professional information and networking activities, the organisation of acknowledged European conferences, by its publications and information services, and also by taking active role in a wide range of important EU projects. It has also proved successful with thematic activities like the Open Classroom Working Group (school level distance education) and the field of research.

We have launched and support the European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning (EURODL).

EDEN is the smart network for the professional community and a professional community for smart learning.

Conference Highlights – After Dublin

The 20th Annual EDEN Conference in Dublin was again a great success with 425 delegates from 40 countries from all over the world. The event was rich both in content and in collaboration opportunities. We thank all delegates for their attendance, valuable inputs and contribution to the achievements and nice atmosphere of the conference. See further information on video recordings of the keynote sessions and downloadable keynote presentations, the Best Paper Award and the EDEN Fellow Awards below.

Plenary Sessions

Mary McAleese, President of Ireland addressed the conference Morten Paulsen EDEN President with keynote speakers Sir John Daniel and Dennis Pamlin

To read the most interesting contributions (PPT) of key presenters, please, visit the Keynotes' site.

Thanks to IADT and Polycom Inc, the 20th Annual Conference plenary sessions were webcast and recorded:

Monday, 20 June - Plenary Session 1:

Conference Welcome Address
Morten Flate Paulsen, EDEN President

20 Years of Distance Education in the Garden of EDEN: Good News and Bad News
Sir John Daniel, President & Chief Executive Officer, The Commonwealth of Learning, Canada

Information, Knowledge and Wisdom in the 21st Century: Transformative Transparency and Mobile Connectivity, Implications when e-Learning Becomes the Main Way of Learning?
Dennis Pamlin, Director, UN Global Compact, and WWF Consultant, Senior associate at CASS (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

Address from Her Excellency Mary McAleese, President of Ireland

Tuesday, 21 June - Plenary Session 2:

Mobile Innovations and Causing Evolution in the Education Ecosystem
Paul Kim, Stanford University School of Education, United States of America

Technology Trends Driving Learning Opportunities
Clare Dillon, Microsoft Ireland, Ireland

Context, Authenticity and Learning in the Real World
Graham Attwell, Pontydysgu (Bridge to Learning), United Kingdom

Wednesday, 22 June - Plenary Session 3:

eLearning and Sustainability: Quality over Quantity?
Kevin O Rourke, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland

In Headwind and Tailwind - Teaching from Arctic and Antarctica
Liv Arnesen, Norwegian Refugee Council, Norway

Valuing Learning for All, Everywhere and in Any Mode: A Dream?
Alfredo Soeiro, University of Porto, Portugal

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