1st Creative Commons Buenos Aires Festival

The 1st Creative Commons Buenos Aires Festival1st Creative Commons Buenos Aires Festival will take place from 13th to 16th of March in Argentina.
The event consists of screening of films (all of them under open/free licenses) and debate spaces. From it’s web site:

The objective of this event is to open a participatory space for reflective thinking, encourage a democratic debate of ideas, experiences and develop concrete proposals for change. Our aim is to safeguard our future in clear opposition to any attempt of domination, prevailing a social, cultural and humanistic points of view over economic interests.

I was invited to participate in two different panels:
Tuesday 13/03: Challenges in regulatory systems

  • Juano Villafañe (Dir. artístico C.C.Cooperacion)
  • Viviana Dirolli (Flacso)
  • Franco Iacomella (P2P Foundation)
  • Gastón Infantino (ex cie)
  • Patricia Ferrante (Flacso)

Thursday 15/03: The role of Free Software in educacion

  • Horacio Arroyo / Mg. Verónica Xhardez (Asociación Civil Solar – Software libre Argentina)
  • Franco Iacomella (Asociación Civil Gleducar)
  • Alvar Maciel (Equalis) y Serena Colombo y Mariana de Luca (Mundo Nuevo): Experiencias con Software Libre en la escuela

More information in the website: http://www.ccbue.com.ar/